
T-Mobile Headquarters Address and Contact Information

T-Mobile Headquarters Address and Contact 

The headquarters of T-Mobile US, Inc. is located in Bellevue, Washington. The address is:

12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, WA 98006
United States

You can contact T-Mobile by phone at 1-800-937-8997, or visit their website at for more information on customer service, technical support, and other inquiries.

T-Mobile Headquarters Location & Directions

The T-Mobile headquarters is located in Bellevue, Washington. If you need directions to the headquarters, you can use the following information:

12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, WA 98006
United States

Driving Directions:

If you're driving to the T-Mobile headquarters, take I-405 and exit at SE 8th St in Bellevue. Follow SE 8th St to 128th Ave SE, then turn right. Turn left on SE 38th St and continue until you reach the T-Mobile headquarters.

Public Transportation:

If you're taking public transportation, you can take the Sound Transit Link light rail to the Bellevue Transit Center, then transfer to the Metro Transit Bus 271. Get off at the 128th Ave SE & SE 38th St stop, and the T-Mobile headquarters will be a short walk away.


The T-Mobile headquarters has a parking lot available for visitors, with both surface and garage parking options.

How to Contact T-Mobile Corporate Office

To contact the T-Mobile corporate office, you can use the following methods:

You can call T-Mobile's corporate office at 1-425-378-4000 to speak with a representative.

You can send an email to T-Mobile's corporate office at for media inquiries or for customer service inquiries.

You can send mail to the T-Mobile corporate office at the following address:
T-Mobile US, Inc.
12920 SE 38th St
Bellevue, WA 98006
United States

Social Media:
You can also contact T-Mobile via social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook by sending them a direct message or posting on their official pages.

Please note that the above contact methods may not be suitable for all types of inquiries, so it's best to check T-Mobile's website or contact their customer service department for more information.

About T-Mobile

T-Mobile's history dates back to 1994 when it was established as Voicestream Wireless PCS. It started as a spin-off from its parent company and was branded as T-Mobile after Deutsche Telekom AG bought it. T-Mobile launched its first brands in California and Nevada, and then proceeded to acquire Suncom over the next few years, expanding its market base to other southern parts of the USA.

With the acquisition of Suncom, T-Mobile gained 1.1 million customers, helping it become one of the top mobile network providers in the USA. In 2013, T-Mobile's attempt to merge with AT&T failed, but it later acquired MetroPCS Communications, which provided a significant financial and technological boost, making it the fourth-largest provider in the country.

In 2020, T-Mobile merged with Sprint Corporation, making it the largest 5G services provider in the USA. The merger strategy has proven successful for T-Mobile, and the company continues to thrive.


T-Mobile is a mobile network provider that offers various mobile and data services to its customers. Customers can choose a plan based on their needs and preferences, and T-Mobile releases new plans every year to meet growing demands and customer satisfaction.

One of its latest plans is the T-Mobile Magenta Max plan, which provides customers with 4G/5G services. This plan succeeds the Magenta and Magenta Plus plans and offers additional benefits to customers.

T-Mobile also provides special discounts to military personnel through its military plans, while new T-Mobile customers can take advantage of the First Responder plans. Senior citizens who are above 55 years old can enjoy the benefits of the Unlimited 55+ plan.

Additionally, T-Mobile ONE is an older plan but still offers reliable connectivity and services to its customers.


T-Mobile is a global telecommunication service provider with approximately 230 million subscribers and users, making it the world's 13th largest provider. In several countries, it ranks as the 4th largest mobile phone service provider, trailing behind Vodafone in the UK and others.

T-Mobile's network covers 84% of the US population, which is the highest among all network providers in the country. It is also the fastest 5G service provider in the USA, offering the fastest upload and download speeds to its customers.

T-Mobile has made significant efforts to combat scam calls, blocking over 1 billion of them until 2018. However, the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint has resulted in job losses for many workers across the country.

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